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Hi! I am Pablo. 


Born and raised in a small coastal town of Argentina I developed an early interest for activities in the outdoors and a profound love for the sea. However, as a child I had not yet discovered my love for photography.


After finishing high school and becoming a Reserve Officer of the Argentine Navy, I attended the University and obtained the degree of Certified Public Accountant, which led me to live many years in the city of Buenos Aires, a completely different environment for me. But the sea was always calling, so whenever I could I traveled to different countries in search of nature and better waves to surf.


This was how between trips I developed a great passion for photography until the point that, one day before turning 30, I decided to give up my job and stability to fulfill my dream of traveling the world and becoming a full-time professional photographer & filmmaker.

Hunter River Region Csava Desvari.jpg

While traveling and studying for some years I worked in a variety of different areas in the photography industry until I reach my dream job as an Expedition Photographer and Filmmaker. In that role I completed assignments in every corner of the world including very remote places like Papua New Guinea, The Kimberley region of Australia, many African countries, the Arctic and Antarctica among many others.


Since then I have been in love with photography and filmmaking, which for me is about telling stories and appreciating the world, always keeping in mind how important light and composition are to achieve unique images.

I am trilingual so far as I speak Spanish, English and Portuguese, but I hope to learn more languages in the future.


Now days I consider myself a nomad and I cannot imagine my days without traveling the world, learning from different cultures, witnessing magnificent encounters with wildlife, capturing all those moments with my camera and of course surfing more and more waves.

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